back in action!

- 21 Feb, 2020

Welcome back! In my first post, I mentioned how the game started as a research project and that I had taken a year off once it's done. But now I'm back! Time for some fresh updates!

Before making changes, I removed the AIs (Sorry Lewis & Clark!) since I no longer needed AIs in my game. Then, I started creating new models with Magicavoxel. I'll only be focusing on them on this post as I have already made too many changes to cover in one devlog.

New Wheels!

You like my new rides? :)


Some of these models are inspired by real-world vehicles. I mostly use Pinterest for reference.

NPC vehicles

Now, the game has 28! I wanted to make the game more diverse and less repetitive. Seeing the same vehicle over and over again every time can be tedious.

Police rides

Surprise! Now the game has a hot-pursuit mode. There'll be roadblocks, SWAT teams, and even helicopters to hunt us down! More about that on upcoming devlogs ๐Ÿ˜‰

New Environment!

I created a countryside location and it's the only one in the game at the moment. But I'm hoping to add a few more locations soon.


The game consists of what I like to call 'road tiles'. Unfortunately, MagicaVoxel has a 126x126x126 model size limit as of today. So I had to split the road tile into 3 pieces.

The road and the grass field (1st and 2nd) models are two compulsory pieces and 1 out of the last 4 is selected as the final piece. Then, this piece gets cloned in order to get a larger surface.

Here's the end result:

Road tile

To complement the location, I made another 129 models! Here are a few:


There are 14 of 'em!


39 colourful trees...


...13 blocky people :)


... and 17 quadrupeds!

These models are then arranged to create Compound models like this:

In the next devlog, I'll share some insight into my model optimisation process. This includes polycount reduction, texture baking, combining textures, LODs, and much more!

I've also been busy making my first video on my YouTube channel but it's still nowhere near completion. However, I'm hoping to post the next devlog on the 6th but I'll update here in case I couldn't finish it on time.

And finally, thank you! Donโ€™t forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ„
